Food and its Cultural Diversity in Iraqi Society - An Anthropological Study


  • Hanouf Namiq Fayzi Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Tikrit University Author


Humanization of Food, Society, Cultural Diversity, Anthropology, Religion, Food Culture


Food, especially traditional food, is one of the most important practices that indicate belonging. Certain types of food are not cooked just to satisfy hunger, but rather it is a cultural heritage charged with civilizational heritage, as this food defines our religious affiliation and what is associated with it of what is permissible or forbidden. Therefore, we find that food anthropology has directed its attention to studying cooking and food, because food practices do not only allow us to know the culture of their owners, but also put us in front of a great possibility to know religious rituals and occasions and to know a group of foods that are cooked at specific times, and this gives them religious or cultural sanctity.


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