The Title in Ayham Al-Abbad’s Poetry - (Before The World Becomes Extinct) As An Example


  • Mahmoud Ajaj Fahad General Directorate of Education Salahuddin, The Ministry of Education Author


Subtitle, Ayham Al-Abbad, Main Title, Poetic Title, Literature, Poetry


The title is one of the artistic techniques employed by the poet Ayham Al-Abbad in drawing his poetic images, and this is due to the effective impact of this technique in enlightening the poetic text.
Thus, I found (the title) to be one of the important modernizing steps taken by the modern Arabic poem; it has witnessed remarkable prevalence in modern poetic experiments; hence, the title has taken on a dominant construction and a clear presence in the modern poem.
This study reveals the main and secondary titles that suggest the content values of the poetry collection.
The value of this research lies in accessing the locations of the title thresholds and textual keys with an in-depth analytical reading that explores the depths of Ayham Al-Abbad's creative experience.

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