The Role of Social Media Sites in Promoting Substandard Content - Reel Clips as An Example


  • Huda Khalid Khudair Department of Media, College of Arts, Tikrit University Author


Reel Clips, Substandard Content, Promotion, Social Media, The Media


The research aims to reveal the impact of the role of social media sites in its three dimensions, the needs dimension, the motives dimension, and the field dimension, on promoting substandard content - reel clips as an example. The study followed the descriptive approach, as the research population was users of social media, especially those who follow reel clips, and the sample included the study included 252 people, and the research used a questionnaire tool, which was divided into three axes, the first related to demographic variables, the second to the dimensions of the role of social networking sites, and the third to promote substandard content - reel clips. The results showed that the overall variable of the role of social networking sites in general had a positive, significant impact on Significance level (0.05) in the variable of promoting substandard content - reel clips. As for the dimensions separately, the results showed that the role of social networking sites has an impact responsible for promoting substandard content at a rate of 54.1% for the motives dimension, 6.9% for the domains dimension, and 0.8 % due to the dimension of needs, and this research recommended the necessity of working to confront degrading content at the individual level by spreading awareness, and at the state level by enacting appropriate laws while preserving freedom of expression.


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