وسائل الغزل بالمرأة: تأمل الجمال


  • لهيب عراك مخلف قسم اللغة العربية، كلية التربية للبنات، الجامعة العراقية مؤلف

الكلمات المفتاحية:

الجمال، الغزل، القيم الجمالية المعنوية، الغزل بالمرأة، القيم الجمالية الحسية، ستار عبد الله، القيم الجمالية الغرائبية


حظيت المرأة بحضور بارز في شعر ستار عبد الله، حيث تناولها من منظور القيم الجمالية التي يراها فيها، والتي تتنوع بين القيم الحسية والمعنوية والغرائبية. وقد استدعى البحث تقسيم هذه القيم الجمالية بحسب ملامحها، سواء تلك التي تتعلق بطبيعة خلقها مثل جمال الوجه والعينين والشعر والثغر، أو تلك المرتبطة بزخرفتها وزينتها وملابسها وعطرها، وما تضيفه هذه العناصر من جاذبية وجمال.


J.M. Joyo, Issues of the Philosophy of Contemporary Art, translated by Sami Al-Daroubi, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo, 1948.

The Aesthetics of Arabic Poetry, A Study in the Philosophy of Beauty in Pre-Islamic Poetic Consciousness, Dr. Hilal Jihad, 1st ed., Beirut, Lebanon, 2007.

The Strange Discourse of Albert Camus, Belqandouz, Houari, Abdelhamid Ben Badis University, Mostaganem, Algeria, 2006.

The Novel of Abdel Moneim Abbas, Aesthetic Values, Studies in the Fine Arts, Dar Al-Ma'rifah Al-Jami'iyah, 1987.

The Journey and the Temptation of the Strange between Writing and Reception, Dr. Khaled Al-Tawazani, 2017, 1st ed., Al-Wadi Publishing and Distribution House.

Siraj Al-Din Muhammad, Love in Arabic Poetry, Dar Al-Rateb Al-Jami'iyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1st ed., 2019.

Abdel Fattah Kilito: Literature and Purpose, A Structural Study in Arabic Literature, Dar Toubkal, Morocco, 2006.

The Wonders of Creation and Animals and the Oddities of Existence, Zakaria bin Muhammad bin Mahmoud Al-Kufi Al-Qazwini, Al-Aalami Foundation for Publications, Beirut, Lebanon, 1st ed., 2000.

The Marvelous in Literature, Hussein Allam, Arab House for Science Publishers, Ikhtilaf Publications, 1st ed., 2009.

Ali Akbar Ahmadi and others, The Stylistics of Bashar bin Burd’s Love Poetry, Journal of the College of Education for Humanities, Issue 639, June 2018, Payam Noor University, Iran.

In Aesthetic Criticism: A Vision of Pre-Islamic Poetry, Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Khalil, Dar Al-Fikr, Al-Mu’aser, 1st ed., 2007.

Muhammad bin Makram bin Manzur, Lisan Al-Arab, Dar Sadir, Beirut, Lebanon, 3rd ed., 1999, Vol. 11.

And of Love What, Sattar Abdullah, Jaafar Al-Asami Press, Thaer Al-Asami Foundation, 2018.

Ahmed bin Qaliya, The Image of the Woman in the Great Diwan of Al-A’sha, Master’s Thesis, University of Qasdi Merbah, Ouargla, 2017.

Ahmed Hajim Al-Rubaie, The Image of the Man in the Poetry of the Andalusian Emirate - An Analytical Study, Publisher: Dar Ghaida, Jordan, 1st ed., 2014.

Muhammad Anani, Modern Literary Terms, Egyptian International Publishing Company, Longman, 3rd ed., 2003.

Naim Al-Yafi, The Development of the Artistic Image in Modern Arab Poetry, Pages for Studies and Publishing, Syria, 2008.

A Reading of the Marvelous and Strange Discourse of the Short Story in Syria, Green Moon on a Black Balcony, as a Model, Dr. Khalil Al-Musa, 2014.


